power quality problems

Power Quality Problems and Solutions

There are 9 recognised power quality problems. Here we look at what they are and how we can protect against them.




Power Cut

Power Problem 1. Blackout

A total loss of the utility supply. One of the most recognised power quality problems. Caused by circuit trips, blown fuses, road works, faults etc. Obviously anything electrical switches off.

Solved with any UPS as long as battery lasts. Check for how long you need to operate on battery for and what inverter system is suitable for your load.

Voltage Sag

Power Problem 2. Voltage Sag

A short term (momentary) dip in the power supply. Caused by heavy equipment switching on, lightning, grid faults. Causes equipment resets, crashes, flickering of lights etc.

Any UPS will solve this. Frequent sags may deplete battery to point of non protection however.

Voltage Spike

Power Problem 3. Voltage Spike

A short term (momentary) high voltage rise in the power supply. Can be the most damaging power quality problem. Caused by heavy equipment- particularly inductive device – switching off, lightning and grid faults. Can cause damage to electronic components.

A surge suppressor helps with spikes and most UPS contain such devices. Large surges can damage the surge suppressor and UPS however. Consider transformer based products to protect against the worst.

Under Voltage

Power Problem 4. Under Voltage

A long term sag in the supply voltage. Caused by high demand on network / underrated supply or high impedance source during higher than normal power use. Causes equipment malfunction, circuit trips, unpredictable operation of devices. Also known as a brown out due to the effect on incandescent light bulbs.

An offline UPS won’t cut it here, save until the batteries run out, you need a line interactive or an online UPS system. Alternatively a voltage regulation device.

Over Voltage

Power Problem 5. Over Voltage

A long term rise in the supply voltage bringing it over the supply limit. Caused by low demand on the network, particularly when close to a sub station that may have long loops. Can cause damage to connected equipment, circuit breaker trips, component overheating.

Line interactive and online technologies are the only UPS technologies that can protect against this. A voltage regulator would also suffice.

High Frequency Noise

Power Problem 6. Electrical Noise

High frequency interference on the utility supply. Caused by other electronic equipment. Can cause unpredictable equipment operation, data errors, audible noise on AV equipment etc.

Possibly higher end line interactive UPS will protect against this, specific power conditioning equipment or online double conversion technologies.

Frequency Variation

Power Problem #7. Frequency Variation

A variation of the normal 50Hz (or 60Hz) supply frequency. This cannot happen on the grid and so is usually only an issue when running from generators. Inductive AC loads such as motors, transformers, pumps will not function properly and may be damaged and overheat.

Only online double conversion can help here. If the variation is large, only online UPS with frequency conversion mode will protect against this.

High Frequency Noise

Power Problem 8. Switching Transients

Fast acting but low energy pulses on the supply. Caused by electronic devices on the same network. Will degrade electronic components and can cause damage. Equipment malfunction likely.

Possibly higher end line interactive UPS will protect against this, specific power conditioning equipment or online double conversion technologies.

Harmonic Distortion

Power Problem 9. Harmonic Distortion

A degree of distortion from a “pure sine wave”. Caused by non linear devices such as rectifiers, particularly if the supply impedance is relatively high. Particularly harmful to transformers and motors. Can cause circuit breaker trips and burn out in Neutral conductors in 3phase systems.

Only online UPS can protect against this.

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